Cuestión de ambiente. A Cartography of Diversity in the Literary and Artistic Madrid of the 1920s

Cuestión de ambiente. A Cartography of Diversity in the Literary and Artistic Madrid of the 1920s seeks to remember the lives of a number of creators who lived their homosexuality openly and freely in the capital of Spain in the 1920s. Some completely, others perhaps less so, but all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, lived “out of the closet”. 

This publication is intended as a guide to the lives of twelve people who were prominent in the world of art and literature in those years. Their names appear because they lived their sexuality and affectivity in full public view and because together they forged authentic personal and professional support networks - mechanisms that would be so important for the acceptance of sexual diversity towards the end of the century. They were by no means isolated cases. They were a widespread reality. They are not unique examples, rather they form a social and cultural fabric. 

The aim of this project is to chronicle the lives and work of these artists in order to enhance their value, to remember their names and their stories in those years. To extol them and the city that welcomed them and became the stage for a story that is not told as often as it ought to be. Although they are the protagonists, they are also the product and mirror image of a society that is constructing its path towards recognition. 

The texts are written by Joaquín García Martín, curator of the exhibition of the same name that took place at CentroCentro in 2021, with contributions by Eva María Moreno and Carlos Primo.

EDITED BY: Joaquín García Martín
YEAR: 2023
FORMAT: 12 x 18 cm
PAGES: 352
LANGUAGES: Spanish / English
ISBN: 978-84-18299-21-6
PUBLISHED BY: CentroCentro​

Avalaible at CentroCentro, Casa de la Panadería and online shop.