Beyond the Limits. Other Views of the Palacio de Cibeles

Beyond the Limits. Other Views of the Palacio de Cibeles seeks to cast a renewed (and contemporary) light on the history and fortunes of the Palacio de Cibeles. This volume brings together a series of texts based on the exhibition project El Palacio Visto por... (The Palace as Seen by...) and on the events that CentroCentro organised to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Palace of Communications.

If the centenary and the festivities that were held to celebrate this milestone demonstrated how important the Palacio de Cibeles is for the people of Madrid and its central position in the imaginary of the capital, the aim of the exhibition project El Palacio Visto por… was to reconsider the building’s monolithic architectural condition. In short, two converging and transversal perspectives of what elii [architecture studio] calls a fetish of the history of Madrid.

The chapters that make up this publication do not exhaust the paths that the project with which it is associated may take; they do however give a good account of what has been achieved to date and of some of the filters through which the old Post Office building can be examined. In Tramas (Patterns) David Bestué addresses its ornamental nature with a proposal that moves between different plans of what is evident, in other words, not everything ends up being as it would appear to be. Through new readings of the architectural and the urban, elii [architecture studio] produces an exercise in updating and rediscovery. Elvira Navarro, in a fiction of dystopian overtones, presents an ingenious declension of the possible and the probable, of the desired and the imaginable. Ángel Gutiérrez immerses us in an overview of certain aspects of CentroCentro with Me alegro de haber venido (I’m Glad I Came) and Gloria G. Durán provides a soundtrack and poetry, evoking in her pages the atmosphere of a city where everyone gave as much of themselves as they could to be modern.

EDITED BY: Ángel Gutiérrez Valero 
YEAR: 2020
FORMAT: 12 x 18 cm
PAGES: 301
LANGUAGES: Español / Inglés
ISBN: 978-84-18299-05-6
PUBLISHED BY: CentroCentro​