Excuse Me, I’m Talking

The exhibition Excuse Me, I’m Talking is motivated by several main concerns: on the one hand, the exhibition advocates autobiographical comics as the ideal means of artistic expression through which to foster empathy and, therefore, to stimulate awareness of political and social issues. It also champions the role of women in the world of comics, given that, as is the case in many other artistic fields, there is an inequality between the visibility of works made by women and those made by men, despite the evident number of high quality female authors. This book explains these and other theoretical reflections related to the exhibition.

It is by no means a common or garden catalogue, as rather than adding explanatory notes to each of the works of the 89 artists, it in fact contains three essays by Mery Cuesta, Teresa Ferreiro-Peleterio and Tevi de la Torre, and a comic strip based on a selection of the exhibition's content, by Roberta Vázquez. The aim of both the essays and the comic strip, as well as the illustrations that accompany them, is to bring the public closer to the vision contained in autobiographical comics made by women and to the knowledge they generate.

Excuse Me, I’m Talking is a statement of intent. The words, drawings, narratives, art and research that go to make up the book are part of a story that is often told from a biased perspective or is directly rendered invisible. This book is intended as a platform that will enable these visions to be taken into account and generate debates and connections between the authors and the public.

EDITED BY: Teresa Ferreiro-Peleteiro
YEAR: 2023
FORMAT: 17 x 26 cm
PAGES: 172
LANGUAGES: Spanish / English
ISBN: 978-84-18299-22-3
PUBLISHED BY: CentroCentro​