Mirar de frente. Miguel Benlloch

Mirar de Frente (Looking Ahead) is published on the occasion of the exhibition Miguel Benlloch. Cuerpo Conjugado (Conjugated Body) in CentroCentro. This publication borrows the title of the last essay that M. Benlloch wrote and is a response to the need, in dialogue with Soledad Gutiérrez, to compile previously unpublished texts or texts found in diverse publications.

The texts that have been compiled here, were written between 1983 and 2018 for actions –Canario (Canary) or Derrerumnatura–; collaborations in different publications –Sonido Ambiente (Ambient Sound) or Mirar de Frente (Looking Ahead)–; proclamations –Tránsito de lo Sagrado y lo Profano (Transit of the Sacred and the Profane)–; conferences –Acción en el Género (Action on Gender)– ; journalistic articles –Placeres Prohibidos (Forbidden Pleasures) or Consejo de Guerra al Placer (Council of War on Pleasure)–.Intertwined with a poetic, political, post-feminist and trans discourse, they are underpinned –as well as by a dazzling sense of humour– by the experience of the popular and theories related to the queer paradigm. 

Mirar de Frente (Looking Ahead) rounds off another earlier publication that was edited under the title Acaeció en Granada (It Happened in Granada), by cien-gramos

Through his actions and his writing, Miguel Benlloch quickly began sealing his commitment to other dysnormative, migrant, transit, and unprofitable bodies. Excluded bodies that erode identities based on dual behaviours: masculine/feminine, active/passive, productive/unproductive, desire/love, health/sickness... Diverse bodies that allowed him to enter into processes of deconstruction of those identities that were assigned to him as a writer, activist, producer, performance artist, man or gay… A life-long and artistic project, which was and is political.

AUTHOR: Miguel Benlloch
EDITED BY: Mar Villaespesa and Joaquín Vázquez
YEAR: 2019
FORMAT: 11.3 x 16.4 cm
PAGES: 172
ISBN: 978-84-120220-7-01
PUBLISHED BY: CentroCentro