Una forma de hablar

“Writing is the unknown. Before we write, we haven’t a clue what we’re going to write
And with total lucidity“
Marguerite Hard

“I like the space between languages because it is the place of error or mistake, the place where things are said that are not quite as good as one would like them to be, or where nothing can be said. And I find this useful when it comes to writing, because it’s always good to lose your balance”
Anne Carson

Una forma de hablar (A Manner of Speaking) seeks to activate a space of toings and froings that allows us, through contemporary art, to try ways of saying something: to name it,to conjugate it, to subvert it, to also think about what we don’t say, to move away from certainties..., to integrate the body, to compose stories.

With CentroCentro as a place of welcome, this Group of learning, enjoyment and conversation formed by women, meets every week to generate activity and to search and learn together, working the forms of the story as possible figures, from the opening of a stuttering, restless and perhaps mistaken looking, saying and doing. We will be accompanied by artists with whom we will work in specific workshops to give form, timing or spaces to those stories that are to come, and certain moments of the process will be open to the public. 

This is a project that began its journey before the summer as part of the line of work of Collective Learning; its aim is to accompany, facilitate and listen to what is happening while at the same time helping to think and give shape to its own line of work. A space devised for the long term, to be in CentroCentro, to come and go from there, and to gather together based on its schedule and our interests.

A project curated by Sara Martín
Más información: unaformadehablar@centrocentro.org