Mirror Becomes a Razor When It’s Broken

Mirror Becomes a Razor When It’s Broken is a publication that stemmed from the curatorial cycle of the same name that was put on in CentroCentro between October 2018 and September 2019.

The idea of creating this publication was there from the very beginning of the project. The intention was to produce a type of script that would emerge from the material presence of the individual exhibitions of each of the artists that were going to be put on in the space on the fifth floor of the centre. In other words, the intention was that the relationship between the texts and the exhibitions should be mediated by a direct experience of the exhibitions that would unite the physical with the conceptual and the visceral with the rational. Making the texts begin in the exhibition to then travel to other places, without having to describe or refer to them explicitly.

The invitations for this speculative exercise evolved gradually over the course of a year by means of conversations with each of the artists. As a result, Jara Rocha would write a text based on Vida de O (Life of O) by Lúa Coderch; Beatriz Ortega Botas on Indigo Eye by Rubén Grilo; Leo Burge on loà ots by Josu Bilbao with Estanis Comella, and Paula García-Masedo on Gut Feeling by Eva Fàbregas. During the course of the cycle, another narrative exercise also appeared that I proposed to both the people who had been invited to write for the publication and the artists who produced the exhibitions: an (im)possible inventory of those objects and materialities that came into play in their respective creative processes. This list of things emerged as a strategy for writing and describing art from its material and object-based condition, addressing from another perspective the crucial issue of the curatorial cycle: the speculative potential of objects and materials as systems of human and non-human interactions. This publication emerges at the end of the overall project as a sort of final object whose temporality transcends that of the cycle and continues to add layers of meaning to the things and situations that once populated the CentroCentro space. 

EDITED BY: Sonia Fernández Pan
YEAR: 2020
FORMAT: 12 x 18 cm
PAGES: 152
LANGUAGE: Spanish / English
ISBN: 978-84-18299-00-1
PUBLISHED BY: CentroCentro